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Heather Gilmore

  "Maria has amazing gifts. She sends me Reiki when I am emotionally drained, and it makes me feel so much better.

She also removed my J-seals and I no longer have pain at the base of my skull or in my left Shoulder blade.

She has such a loving, healing heart, and a gifted Medium. I highly recommend her services!"

Jenny B

"I was very nervous going into the J-seal and unwanted implants not knowing what to expect and what would happen. It was a beautiful, phenomenal experience.

Then 1 week later I also did my 144 DNA activation I’m still blown away.

Thank you thank you thank you so much you are truly a very gifted soul Maria."

Lacey Thibodeaux

“Maria was so very helpful with helping me cut energy cords. I feel so much better since then. Would definitely recommend her.
Thank you so much!”

Silvia J

I seen maria on TikTok and was instantly drawn to her and her energy. I watched her on her lives and felt so comfortable so I msg her and ask if we can book a reading session. I was just amazed how I was so connected to her and everything resonated so much. She nailed everything I was like whaaaat just in ahhhhh! She truly is a beautiful soul with a big heart thank you maria 

Silvia J

Wendy Chavez

I got a medium ship reading with Maria and she was amazing she was able to connect to so many of my love ones that passed she gave me closure about my brother passing I recommend Maria 100 and percent to any one who would love to connect to there love ones she also connected with my still born baby that I lost and said he was a boy and he was she also brought up a song that would play a lot after my brother passed away it was your my angel by shaggy I am so happy I got a reading with Maria she is the best thank you! 

Britney B

Over the past year I have lost a few close people. I have also lost a few really close people to me in the past.  For 12 years I’ve been wanting to connect to a few of those people and Maria has been able to do that for me.   Maria has broughten a lot of closure to my life.  Maria is great at what she does and she has proven that to me multiple times !!

Elena Watson

All I can say is WOW!!I Had a reading with Maria and she was Spot on with the reading.

She gave me information that only I would have known and it’s mind blowing as I was literally was asking myself these specific questions days before.  

She was able to pick up past present and future events I’m shocked.
She is the real deal 


I Had a Reiki session with The Meraki aka Maria after hearing so much about her. I was so relaxing I started going to her on a regular just like a tune up. I just also say…

I have health issues and difficulties walking that I need a cane to get around on top of chronic pain / fibromyalgia etc. I was in shock when one day I got up after the session and started to walk not realizing I didn’t use my cane.

She is an amazing gifted kind loving person and she is so caring. 
I highly recommend her
Thank you Maria 😘
Love you 


Athina C

Was referred to maria through a friend of mine. I needed to see someone but didn’t know who really is genuine or fake. She recommended maria to me. I had so much relationships that needed me to release and move on so CORD CUTTING it was.
I honestly felt so much relief release and peace while doing this and yea I did cry and cry but it was so needed to let it all out. I feel so much better and so much happier, I’m so grateful to have met maria she truly is The best ever blessing  xxx 


I can't begin to find the words to express my appreciation for you Maria. You are truly gifted and I feel so blessed to have you bring my Husband to me the day after he passed and still 6 months later. The description, you gave of him from his unique eyes to his bald head, to him boxing in the backyard to a certain song. You have helped me understand that he is always with me and our kids and I look forward to seeing your name pop up to watch your live on TikTok.


“As someone who has experienced so much death in my life, and lost so many loved ones I have never been happier to have connected with Maria. I have had multiple readings from her, from mediumship, to cards, to the pengilum and have never been disappointed.

Maria has connected with so many of my past loved ones, she’s given detailed descriptions of them, and talked to them and told me things only me and that person would know. I absolutely love connecting with Maria, watching her lives on tiktok and being blessed enough to get readings from her.

I highly recommend connecting with Maria, she is nothing short of AMAZING.”


My reading was amazing! Maria connected with just the right people during my mediumship reading. My oracle reading gave me 100% confirmation of what I already intuitively knew, but did not have the confidence to believe. It changed my perspective on so much and helped me to release what no longer served me. I grew immensely from the reading; it healed me emotionally and helped me trust myself more. Maria is amazing and I can't wait for another reading with her in the future. I am so thankful to have found her. 

Sandra Doyle Hetzel

I had a mediumship reading with Maria, and I cannot begin to tell you how accurate it was. I was so overwhelmed that it took a couple of days for it to sink in, what she said and how blessed I am to have Maria give me these messages. Maria first was speaking about a man, with glasses, heavy smoker, she saw an ocean and a man saluting, in the service. This is my Dad he was a heavy smoker, he was in the Navy she saw the ocean and him saluting. Maria picked up his COPD and panic attacks. He gave her the number 76 at first it did not click, I than realized I am going to see my sister on 7/6 (again the ocean). Maria then spoke to my Grandmother her description was right on, curly hair (pin curls), always in a dress (back in those days women always wore dresses, issues with the family, and a ring. The ring I asked my mom about and yes, it is still missing. Maria then spoke to my Grandfather, who was very funny talking about playing cards games, and what happened during those card games. Maria also spoke about my health issues and depression. Maria through the spirits spoke about my miscarriages and to validate the children even though they are no longer with me. Last but not least, Maria kept picking up arthritis in my knees and several other readers but it just confused me, this was on a Sunday, today (Wednesday) I went to the doctors, because I thought I might have sprained my knee he took an x-ray and told me I had arthritis in my knees. Can you imagine… I cannot tell you how much information Maria picked up that was so accurate. Thank you again Maria!!! You have made me feel truly blessed!

May 17 2021

Lorna Boales

The J-Seals removal session you did for me was Awesome! I was woozy afterward. I could feel the energy moving in my body in the locations Maria mentioned, and even in some places she did not. I felt the Kundalini in my torso activate, like she unlocked the serpent and it started undulating up and down my spine. Had the high energy humming/buzzing in my ears, very high pitched. I still have some but, more subdued. I think of it as angels singing. The 1st half was painful, in a couple of areas of heavy energy.

On the back of my heart, it felt like Maria plucked something out, that did not wish to release. Was a light show fantastic. Several people have tried to remove that cord on the back of my heart under my left shoulder blade. They unwind it some, but it always comes back. I think you actually succeeded in removing it!  Thank you!

 I feel like I can go on to level two of my channeling class with less trepidation now that my j-seals have been removed.

Mahalo, you are gifted!

July 23 2021

Michelle E

I received a Jseals release & unnatural Implants and energy healing from Maria. This was by far the most phenomenal experience of my spiritual journey. She was very thorough in explaining what was taking place prior to the session and during the session. I didn’t know what to expect. What I can say is I felt, saw and heard many things from the spirit world. I received messages for days after the session as well. The major things for me that blew me away was how when the seals released, I literally felt the movement in my hand and Maria was synched with when the seal was released she let me know exactly what I would feel and how I would feel. She wasn’t wrong and she was very calm. I saw angels and doves and a wreath flying by as my third eye opened to its fullest. I met what I believe is my spirit animal “lion” and a Buddhist monk who watched over me. The eagle/hawk that soared through and let me see the feathers and the distinct pattern was just beautiful. After the session ended, I relaxed and I received my downloads for days and it has helped me with self-doubt, understanding and most importantly forgiveness of oneself. We know forgiving ourselves is the hardest part of our journey. I would highly recommend this session to those seeking a higher purpose for mediumship growth! Words cannot do this experience justice. Maria is a phenomenal healer and medium!

June 10,2021

Heather Hynek

Removing my jseal and unnatural impants with Maria is a wonderful experience...she is very patient and very informative.

Maria also brought in light language which was phenomenal. Before getting the removals I absorbed people's energies like a was very draining...after the removals I feel like I have a protection around me and I feel energies but I don't take the energies on as my own.

Also I went to a restaurant and was drawn to do a mediumship reading for a stranger...the reading was spot on and appreciated by the sitter...

I wish I could wait and do a review every week because something new happens quite often now....

I highly recommend Maria 😊😀☺❤ thank you so much

June 12 2021

Helene Harvey

Maria to be able to have a reading done so accurately by you without me needing to give you anything but a name to go by was so awesome.

I would recommend anyone to you I'm so thankful for your enlightenment when it came to my reading and would happily have more with you.

Maria I was so over the moon that not only my baby girl but my mum n dad n 2 puppies came through to you as well I knew my mum opened her arms when Saphira passed away.

 The tears I cried were of happiness knowing you could feel and hear from all my loved ones that have been trying to contact me. Such a blessed soul that you are!  

Thank you Maria

love and light❤️

Liliana Casi Love Owl LC

Liliana Casi Love Owl LC

I received the J seal removal and unwanted implants from Maria. It was amazing the amount of energy that shows up during the process. She made it easy to get through some intense energy and constantly made sure i was feeling good.

She answered any questions or doubts i had during and after the service was done. She walked me through it the whole time making me feel at ease and comfortable. I was given with clear and detailed information as to what to expect after the J seal removal.

She also checked on my well-being hours after the service and the following day.

She's a wonderful and caring person who looks after her clients. She is very much appreciated and glad i was introduced to her.

Will be doing my DNA shortly.

Love and light to you 🙏💜💛


Fantastic reading that completely changed my whole perspective. I found so much peace in my heart because it provided me with the missing data that I needed in order to understand the situation. Things came up that were passing thoughts and I learned it came from spirit. Other things also showed up in the reading that no one knows, yet Maria picked up on these things as well as very specific details about my life that could have only come from spirit. Her connection to spirit is incredible and I am in a completely different mental and emotional space after my reading with her. I wasn't sure if I was going to get a reading done, but I am so glad I listened to my gut and did it because it was a huge blessing and the shift that has taken place in me could not have happened without it. So much gratitude.

Jill Pitre Louisiana

Over the last eight months, I have been present for a number of readings given by Maria. I am always amazed at her accuracy when conducting a reading.

Maria is genuine, caring and, companionate. If you need to connect with a loved one, Maria will go above and beyond to make sure you feel their presence.

I have also received reiki from Maria a number of times personally and so has one of my sons. This woman is gifted in many ways and I feel blessed to have worked with her.

Amy Fournier

Since I have had my jseals removed by Maria I am finding my whole world changing in a great big way for the better.

I am feeling so much better now. I find myself stepping out of my comfort zone and saying YES, YES ,YES with each opportunity that is coming my way. You are such am amazing soul.

You have so many gifts to offer. Thank you so much Maria.

Maha Mahfouz


A very profound experience!

Maria is a true astonishing healer and a spiritual empowering soul. She pours her beautiful loving energy whether during her sessions or in daily encounter.

During the Jseals and unnatural implants removal, I felt major enegy shifts taking place through my body. The feeling was so subtle yet so powerful!

Another thrilling experience that happened in the meantime, while Maria brought her light language, I was able to see two of my guides!

After the session i felt so light and my energy was vibrating so high even during my sleep!

I would highly recommend this healing session with Maria

thank you so much

Tasha M

I’m still shocked and wowed!

I don’t know where to start, I had a distant chakra balance with Maria and at first I didn’t know what to expect or what I was supposed to be feeling. While in the session I started to get emotional, I felt the energy was moving all over my body. I started to get cold and then hot but I knew it was the energy moving out. I felt so refreshed and at peace after the session was over, I felt like I was floating so light and alive once again.

Thank you so very much Maria you don’t know how much this has helped me. You are definitely going to be hearing from me when I need you.

Thank you so much you are so gifted and have beautiful healing hands.


Shiva T

Maria is a true gift!!! I met her on one of her TikTok lives and my dad came though and she describe him and our relationship perfectly. I was just in tears, as she said he is showing me blowing kisses at you by a window and I said he would always do that when I was leaving through the front door window.

The signs she said afterwards all were there. Especially the change I found dimes in the most unlikely places and still do when I think of my dad or feel he has something to say to me.
I had another live with her and she started channeling my partner and was happening with him … again right on point.

She said for me to follow my intuition and keep reaching out to him and I left him a heartfelt message.

I decided I needed to dive in deeper with her. I reached out to Maria and she booked me in within a day as this truly was an emergency with him.
I felt an instant connection with her and right at the start she said my dad was there and asked my nationality and without me saying she asked are you Persian and I said yes. She said my dad was speaking to her in Farsi and this was not something her and I discussed previously.
During my reading and connecting with my partner everything she said was just mind blowing. His exact words he has said to me, how he was doing what he was going through and his past. Together we asked how we could help him and signs were all there to keep letting him I am here in speaking to his highest self.

In the exchange he actually emailed me.
The insight and accuracy she has is a true gift. I want to continue to reach out to her and set up my next reading with my dad I know he has a lot to say to me and I trust Maria to let me know.

As does my dad from above.
Maria is genuine and truly makes you feel at peace and comfortable.
The universe always has a plan and she has been put on my path to help guide me and move forward.
Thank you!

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