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Cord Cutting /Releasing & Clearing

1 h
55 US dollars
Online via Zoom

Service Description

The intention for this session is to remove and permanently cut all cords that bind you. It can be one or several. It involves cutting ties that are unhealthy and no longer serve your best and highest good. Cutting cords do not mean permanently severing all ties from the individual, it is the letting go of the unhealthy aspects of the relationship that no longer serve you. After these cords are removed and the energetic bond has been released, you will feel much more at peace and lighter as the weight has been lifted. Cord cutting is a very helpful in cleansing your energy field and is a means of helping you to separate yourself from toxic , Narcissistic people and experiences from the past or present, allowing you to move forward no longer feeling burdened and unable to live freely. Cutting energy cords can be applied to past or current relationships that are ‘draining’ you. Cutting cords is a way to continually cleanse the energy between us and others, removing what has served its purpose, and allowing space for new. Via Zoom

Contact Details


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